HLS Hongkong Office
Koony Yeung
公司地址:香港新界荃湾杨屋道88号荃湾88 33楼J室
电话:+852 25441366
传真:+852 25441869
鸿安船务有限公司於一九九七年在香港成立,为鸿安集团总公司, 历时20多年的发展,目前香港有80多名专业员工,为客户提供优质的服务。
- 我们提供全方位的物流服务和全球性的服务覆盖, 无论是1公斤的快递货物, 到整个工厂搬迁专案, 也为客户提供快捷合理的物流方案, 我司的理念为服务为先和绩效驱动, 这驱使员工认真和负责地处理客户的每一票货物。 一直以来的成功经验和良好商誉, 确立了鸿安公司在货运行业的领导地位。
- 承接海运、陆运、空运的进出口一条龙的运输承揽业务,包括仓储、国际多式联运、集装箱拼装拆箱、货柜拖运、进出口报关代理、进出口业务代办、货物保险等以及相关的谘询业务,为客户提供快捷、安全、高效、客户至上的全方位货运代理服务。
- 拥有完善的海外网路,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美,欧洲,南美地区DDU DDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司关系紧密,能为客户提供多样化、个性化的服务,提高客户满意度。
- 每周20条定点直达的拼箱从香港到世界各地, 并提供亚洲各地区(包括中国大陆)收货,在香港拼箱的多地合拼服务,简单透明的费用架构简化客户的物流成本预算。
HLS Chongqing Office General Manager
Maggie Yu
电话:+86 21 88517672
传真:+86 23 88517678
- 鸿安重庆成立于2011年,拥有国家交通部批准的无船承运人资格,我们不但专注于从事海运、空运、集装箱拼装、拆箱等进出口业务,且还提供进出口报关代理、货物保险以及相关的业务咨询。
- 公司服务区域包含:重庆、四川、西安、昆明,在整个西南地区拥有良好的口碑,与各大船公司有合作协议,能够提供有竞争力的价格和稳定的仓位。
- 拥有完美的海外线路,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美,欧美,南美地区DDU DDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司联系紧密,可以为客户提供全方位的优质服务。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们由大连地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- 同时公司也深度发展了拉丁美洲、欧洲、澳洲、中东、东南亚等航线,为客人提供更加宽广的服务领域。
HLS Dalian Office General Manager
Summit Gu
电话:+86 411 82827700
传真:+86 411 82827711
- 鸿安大连成立于2008年,具有国家交通部批准的无船承运人资格,我们专注于从事海运,空运,整箱,拼箱的进出口业务。
- 在大连港拥有良好的行业口碑,与各大船公司有合作协议,能够提供有竞争力的价格和稳定的舱位。
- 我们的航线覆盖全球,国外代理网络成熟,可以提供目的港清关、仓储、门点运输等多项服务,充分满足客人各种物流需求。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们由大连地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- 同时公司也深度发展了南美洲、欧洲、澳洲、中东、印巴等航线,为客人提供了更加宽广的服务领域。
- 我们的特色优势服务有:超重货、金属卷材、危险品、挂衣箱、干代冻、冻柜、液袋、特种箱等。
HLS Fuzhou Office Branch Manager
Cathy Zhang
电话:+86 591 87401281
传真:+86 591 87837457
- 鸿安福州成立于2006年,具有国家交通部批准的无船承运人资格,我们专注于从事海运,空运,整箱,拼箱的进出口业务。
- 在福州拥有良好的行业口碑,与各大船公司有合作协议,能够提供有竞争力的价格和稳定的舱位。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们由大连地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- 同时公司也深度发展了南美洲、欧洲、澳洲、中东、印巴等航线,为客人提供了更加宽广的服务领域。
HLS Nanjing Office Branch Manager
Mike Hsu
电话:+86 25 86930264
传真:+86 25 86930026
- 鸿安南京成立于2013年,具有国家交通部批准的无船承运人资格,我们专注于从事海运,空运,整箱,拼箱的进出口业务。
- 我们提供全球范围内的物流服务,包括海运、陆运、空运和多种运输方式的出口和进口; 同时还提供报关、保税仓储配送、货物保险和物流解决方案咨询服务。 客户至上是我们的核心价值观,让客户满意是我们的服务理念。
- 所拥有完善的海外网络,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美,欧洲,澳洲, 南美地区DDU DDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司关系紧密,能为客户提供多样化、个性化的服务,提高客户满意度。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,同时我们拥有发达的拉丁美洲、欧洲、澳大利亚、中东、东南亚市场,我们广泛的服务网络帮助我们的客户在全球范围内发展业务。
- 我们擅长于重载货物、金属线圈、柴油货物、GOH、冷藏集装箱和NOR、柔性储罐、超限设备和电子商务物流等。
HLS Ningbo Office General Manager
Alex So
电话:+86 574 27998888
传真:+86 574 27998800~8803
- 承接海运、陆运、空运的进出口一条龙的运输承揽业务,包括监管报税仓储、国际多式联运、集装箱拼装拆箱、货柜拖运、进出口报关代理、进出口业务代办、货物保险等以及相关的咨询业务,为客户提供快捷、安全、高效、客户至上的全方位货运代理服务。
- 拥有完善的海外网络,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美地区DDU DDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司关系紧密,能为客户提供多样化、个性化的服务,提高客户满意度。
- 固定有每周到北美地区各大点及英国/希腊的直拼服务,包括洛杉矶/纽约/芝加哥/克利夫兰/迈阿密/多伦多/费力克斯托/比雷埃夫斯等,目的港代理网络强大,目的地收费透明并符合市场标准。
HLS Qingdao Office Branch Manager
Ann An
公司地址:山东省青岛市市南区山东路6号华润大厦B座1101 &1102
电话:+86 532 68629800
传真:+86 532 68629566
- 鸿安青岛在青岛和连云港市场享有拥有良好的行业口碑,与各大船公司有合作协议,能够提供具有竞争力的价格和稳定的舱位。我们提供全球范围内的点到门服务,包括一条龙的清关、仓储配送、多式联运,我们多样化的服务使客户的运输方案更加简便高效。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,同时我们拥有发达的拉丁美洲、欧洲、澳大利亚、中东、东南亚市场,我们广泛的服务网络帮助我们的客户在全球范围内发展业务。
- 我们擅长于运输重载货物,金属线圈,D.G.货物,GOH,冷藏集装箱和NOR,弹性储罐和超限设备
HLS Shanghai Office General Manager
David Wu
电话:+86 21 60723272
传真:+86 21 60723273
- 承接海运、陆运、空运的进出口一条龙的运输承揽业务,包括仓储、国际多式联运、集装箱拼装拆箱、货柜拖运、进出口报关代理、进出口业务代办、上海订仓代理业务, 货物保险等以及相关的咨询业务,为客户提供快捷、安全、高效、客户至上的全方位货运代理服务。
- 拥有完善的海外网络,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美,欧洲,澳洲, 南美地区DDU DDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司关系紧密,能为客户提供多样化、个性化的服务,提高客户满意度。
- 每周超20个定点周班直达的拼箱从上海到世界各地,并提供华东北各地区收货,在上海拼箱的多地合拼服务 简单透明的费用架构简化客户的物流成本预算。
- 与多家航空公司签订每周固定货机舱位, 保障客户的空运货物按时发运。
Tel:(86-21)6072 3272
Fax:(86-21)6072 3273
Address:10/F, Tower A, Financial Street Hailun Centre, No. 440 Hai Lun Road, Shanghai, China 200086
HLS Shenyang Office General Manager
Summit Gu
地址: 中国沈阳市和平区和平北大街69号总统大厦C座2208室
邮政编码: 110000
电话:+(86-24) 8154 8508
传真:+(86-24) 8154 8510
联系人: 谷晓峰先生
HLS Shenzhen Office General Manager
Stanley Mo
电话:+86 755 33380388
传真:+86 755 33389783
- 我们提供全方位的物流服务和全球性的服务覆盖。我司的理念为服务为先和绩效驱动, 这驱使员工认真和负责地处理客户的每一票货物。 一直以来的成功经验和良好商誉, 确立了鸿安公司在货运行业的领导地位。
- 承接海运、陆运、空运的进出口一条龙的运输承揽业务,包括仓储、国际多式联运、集装箱拼装拆箱、货柜拖运、进出口报关代理、进出口业务代办、货物保险等以及相关的咨询业务,为客户提供快捷、安全、高效、客户至上的全方位货运代理服务。
- 拥有完善的海外网络,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美,欧洲,南美,澳洲地区DDU/ DDP/LDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司关系紧密,能为客户提供多样化、个性化的服务,提高客户满意度。
- 我们和所有的船公司有着非常好的合作关系。他们对我们在运费和舱位上提供极大的支持。
- 与多家航空公司签订每周固定货机舱位, 保障客户的空运货物按时发运。
Tel:(86-755)3338 0388
Fax:(86-755)3338 9783
Address:Room B1-1030, 10th Floor, Guangfa Building, 2007 Dongmen South Road, Jiannan Community, Nanhu Street, Luohu District, Shenzhen
Contact:Monica Liao
HLS Tianjin Office Branch Manager
Shirley Kim
电话:+86 22 83191884
传真:+86 22 23248007
- 我们的服务: 航线细分,让服务更专业; 推广以人为本的对客户提供一站式的服务模式
- 目前主营业务有天津来往北美/南美/欧洲/澳洲航线等, 两地专业清关配送服务
- 每周固定由天津直达美国洛杉矶,纽约,芝加哥港拼箱服务
- 专业大型货物进出口运输服务
- 专业进出口空运服务(空港范围:天津/北京/郑州/西安) & 特快货运 & 全球空运 & 空陆联运 & 外交物品服务
HLS Wuhan Office General Manager
Maggie Yu
邮箱: maggieyuwh@hlsholding.com.cn
电话:+86 27 88092223
传真:+86 27 88092236
- 鸿安武汉分公司成立于2012年,具有国家交通部批准的无船承运人资格,我们专注于从事海运,空运,整箱,拼箱的进出口业务。
- 在武汉地区拥有良好的行业口碑,与各大船公司有合作协议,能够提供有竞争力的价格和稳定的舱位。
- 我们的航线覆盖全球,国外代理网络成熟,可以提供代理报关、仓储、配送、第三方物流、货运整合、项目管理、散杂货物运输等多项服务,充分满足客人各种物流需求。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们在中国地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- 同时公司也深度发展了拉丁美洲、欧洲、澳洲、中东、东南亚等航线,为客人提供了更加宽广的服务领域。
HLS Xiamen Office General Manager
Tony Tong
电话:+86 592 5672222
传真:+86 592 5679757
- 我们的服务: 航线细分,让服务更专业; 推广以人为本的对客户提供一站式的服务模式
- 目前主营业务有厦门来往北美/南美/欧洲、澳洲航线, 两地专业清关配送服务
- 每周固定由厦门直达美国长滩/纽约/芝加哥/加拿大/香港/希腊等拼箱服务
- 专业大型货物进出口运输服务
HLS Zhongshan Office Branch Manager
Tim Lee
电话: +86 760 23886883
传真:+86 760 23886828
- 鸿安中山成立于2007年,具有国家交通部批准的无船承运人资格,我们专注于从事海运,空运,整箱,拼箱的进出口业务。
- 我们在中山享有拥有良好的行业口碑,与各大船公司有合作协议,能够提供具有竞争力的价格和稳定的舱位。
- 我们提供全面的物流服务和全球服务网络能够满足客户在供应链上的需求。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们由大连地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- 同时公司也深度发展了南美洲、欧洲、澳洲、中东、印巴等航线,为客人提供了更加宽广的服务领域。
HAS Hongkong Office General Manager
Vincent Kwok
电话:(852) 3464 5500
传真:(852) 3007 1327
地址: 香港新界荃湾杨屋道88号荃湾88 33楼J室
- 我们提供多元化全球的空运物流服务,包括当地货运服务、清关、报关、合并服务、电子商务、仓储、提货和包装服务、危险物品货物仓储服务、以及即将推出的扫瞄设施。
- 我们是多个空运业界协会的成员之一,包括联盟管理有限公司、供应链保安协会(SCSA)、香港货运物流业协会有限公司(HAFFA)、国际航空运输协会(IATA)、Neutral Air Partner(NAP)等等。
- 我们拥有完善的海外网路,尤其是北美和南美、欧洲地区,提供DDU DAP服务;同时与航空公司保持紧密的长期合作,为客户提供度身订造空运专业服务。
- 在每周固定货机舱位协定下,我们每周有充足从香港至美国和欧洲的集装箱,藉此确保空运货物能够按时到达。
HLS Cambodia Office Branch Manager
William Touch
Company Address:TK Central, 7th Floor, Unit E, Street 289, Sangkat Boeng Kak 1, Khan Tuol Kork,Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Tel:+855 23 424659
HLS Group Cambodia office was found in Year 2017, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- We are MOT licensed NVOCC, We focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We have global service network coverage that provides end-to-end custom clearance, Consolidation & deconsolidation service, CFS handling, Break-Bulk & RO/RO Service, Cross border trucking: Vietnam-Cambodia & Thailand-Cambodia, Domestic transportation across the country, our diversified services are streamlining our customers’ supply chain.
- Transpacific trade traffic is one of our strength; we keep our ranking in the market’s top 10 in terms of volume handling in this trade lane for years.
- We also have well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia and Middle-East markets, the wide range of our coverage in logistics is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
HLS India Office General Manager
Jyotirmay Chattopadhyay
Company Address:S3 Floor, World Trade Tower, Sec 16, Noida- 201301, India.
Tel:+91 120 4793400
Fax:+91 120 4793400
HLS Group India office was found in Year 2016, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS India was found in Year 2016, we are MOT licensed NVOCC, We focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We are reputable in India market, based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- Our comprehensive logistics services and global service network are capable to satisfy our customers' needs in the supply chain.
- Transpacific trade traffic is one of our strengths; we keep our ranking in the market' s top 10 in terms of volume handling in this trade lane for years.
- We also well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia, Middle-East, and Southeast Asia markets, the wide range of our service network is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
HLS Jakarta Office General Manager
Joy Dove
Company Address:Wisma Staco, 6th Floor, Jalan Casablanca Kav.18,Jakarta 12870 – Indonesia.
Tel:+62 21 83706328
Fax:+62 21 83706327
HLS Group Indonesia office was found in Year 2014, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- We are MOT licensed NVOCC, we focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We are reputable in Indonesia market, based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- Our comprehensive logistics services and global service network are capable to satisfy our customers’ needs in the supply chain.
- Transpacific trade traffic is one of our strength; we keep our ranking in the market’s top 10 in terms of volume handling in this trade lane for years.
- We also well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia, Middle-East, and Southeast Asia markets, the wide range of our service network is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
HLS Semarang Office General Manager
Joy Dove
Company Address:Wisma HSBC 8th Floor Suite 809, Jalan Gajah Mada No.135, Semarang 50134 – Indonesia
HLS Group Indonesia Semarang office was found on 2019, apparently we have experienced staffs in the office that delivering sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS Semarang Representative office has set up on October 2019. Our service covering central industry in Semarang, Kudus, Jepara, Jogyakarta and surrounding middle of Java including small cities.
- Focus on international freight forwarding including Sea Freight (FCL & LCL), Trucking, Customs Clearance, Ex-Works, V-Legal document under name for wooden product and Warehousing.
- For Air freight for both Import and Export for time being will be handled by Jakarta Office.
HLS Jakarta Office General Manager
Joy Dove
Company Address:Bumi Mandiri Tower II, 8th Floor Suite 809 Jalan Panglima Sudirman 66-68Surabaya 60271, Jawa Timur
Tel:+62 31 5358003 / +62 31 5358004 / +62 31 5358005 (Head Hunting/Central)
HLS Group Indonesia Surabaya office was found in 2018, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS Surabaya office has set up on September 2018. Our service covering Surabaya, Bali and ports in the middle and east of Indonesia. Bali and ports in the middle and east of Indonesia will be shipped via Surabaya port.
- Focus on international freight forwarding including Sea Freight (FCL & LCL), Trucking and Customs Clearance.
- Air freight for both Import and Export for time being will be handled by Jakarta Office.
HLS Korea Office Branch Manager
Paul Lee
Company Address:6th Floor, JEI Building, 6 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel:+82 02 37895394
Fax:+82 02 37895393
HLS Group Korea office was found on 1st Aug of 2012, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
HLS Group Korea office was found on 1st Aug of 2012, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS Korea was found in Year 2012, we are MOT licensed NVOCC, we focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We are reputable in Korea market, based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- Our comprehensive logistics services and global service network are capable to satisfy our customers’ needs in supply chain solution.
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们在中国地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- We also well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia, Middle-East, Southeast Asia markets, and the wide range of our service network is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
HLS Malaysia Office Branch Manager
Alvin Ang
Company Address:Unit 906-908, Block A, Damansara Intan, No 1, Jalan SS21/27, 47400 Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan,Malaysia
Tel:+603 77274886
Fax:+603 77274882
HLS Group Malaysia office was found in 2007, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS Malaysia was found in Year 2007, We are MOT licensed NVOCC, we focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We are reputable in Malaysia market, based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- Our comprehensive logistics services and global service network are capable to satisfy our customers’ needs in the supply chain.
- Transpacific trade traffic is one of our strength; we keep our ranking in the market’s top 5 in terms of volume handling in this trade lane for years.
- We also well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia, Middle-East, and Southeast Asia markets, the wide range of our service network is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
HLS Philippines Office Branch Manager
Ligert Bryan Lee
Company Address:Room 201, VIP Building, Roxas Boulevard corner Nuestra Senora de Guia, Ermita, Manila, Philippines
Phone:+63 2 83532997
HLS Group Philippines Manila office was found in Year 2019, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
Regional Pricing Director/Singapore Executive
Sophia Cheng
Company Address:12 Woodlands Square, #09-81, Woods Square, Singapore 737715
Tel:+65 8332-8911 / +65 8332-8912
HLS Singapore office was founded in the Year 2023. Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- Air freight Transportation
- FCL and LCL Sea Freight Transportation
- Dangerous Goods and Special Cargo Handling
- Domestic and Cross-border Trucking
- Permit Declaration and Customs Clearance
- Warehousing and Distribution Service
- Fumigation Service
Transpacific : bookingtw@hlsholding.com
Latin America&Intra Asia : vitalintw@hlsholding.com
Europe/Africa : kateliutw@hlsholding.com
AUNZ : imanchengtw@hlsholding.com
Import : janechentw@hlsholding.com
Airfreight : rickchangtw@hlsholding.com
Company Address:4/F., No. 1, Guangfu S. Road., Songshan District, Taipei City 10563, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886 2 27476288
Fax:+886 2 27478826
HLS Group Taiwan office was found on Jan. 19th of 2009, currently we have 33 experienced staffs in the office that delivering sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS Taiwan was found in year 2009, we are MOT licensed NVOCC, we focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We are reputable in Taiwan market, based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- 拥有完美的海外线路,可以为客户提供全球延伸服务,尤其擅长北美,欧美,南美地区DDU DDP等服务,且与全球各大船公司和航空公司联系紧密,可以为客户提供全方位的优质服务。
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们由大连地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- 同时公司也深度发展了拉丁美洲、欧洲、澳洲、中东、东南亚等航线,为客人提供更加宽广的服务领域。
HLS Thailand Office Branch Manager
Charnchai Heng
Company Address:4TH Floor, C.C.T.Building 109 Surawong Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand
Tel:66-2 6343948-9
Fax:66-2 6340611
HLS Group Thailand Branch office was established on 11th August 2011, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- HLS Thailand was found in Year 2011, we are MTO licensed NVOCC, and we focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export(Dry and Reefer) IE EX work,DDU,DDP.We provide a one stop service including Customs clearance ,trucking service warehous loading.
- We are a good Logistics solution provider in Thai market, Our service cover BKK,Leamchabag,Songkhla based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- Our comprehensive logistics services and global service network are capable to satisfy our customers’needs in supply chain solution.
- 美加航线是公司的传统优势航线,我们由大连地区到北美洲的出口箱量在行业内长期位列前十。
- We also well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia, Middle-East, Southeast Asia markets and the wide range of our service network is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
Company Address:4th Floor, C.C.T. Building, 109 Surawong Road, Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Tel:(662) 6342344-6
Fax:(662) 6342347
HLS Vietnam Office General Manager
Zoe Tran
Company Address:Thanh Dat 1 Building, Floor.4th, Unit# 423-424, No.3 Le Thanh Tong, May To Ward, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City, Vietnam
Tel:+84 225 3999876 / 3999877 / 3999878
Fax:+84 225 3999879
HLS Group Hai Phong office was found in Year 2018, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
- Our service covers shipments from/to Haiphong port over FCL, LCL, trucking and Customs brokerage. Shipments via other ports of loading such as Cai Mep, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang and Quy Nhon are handled by HLS HCM..
- We remain the air shipments in Noi Bai airport (Ha Noi) to be handled by HLS HCM office.
HLS Vietnam Office General Manager
Zoe Tran
公司地址:12th Floor, REE Tower,9 Doan Van Bo Street, Ward 13, District 4, HCMC, Vietnam
电话:+84 28 62996299
传真:+84 28 62660988
HLS Group Vietnam office was found in Year 2008, Our experienced team is committed to providing sophisticated and professional services to our customers.
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- HLS Vietnam was found in Year 2008, we are MOT licensed NVOCC, We focus on international freight forwarding including Sea freight (FCL & LCL), Air freight for both Import and Export.
- We are reputable in Vietnam market, based on our connections with various carriers, we offer competitive rates and protective spaces to customers.
- Our comprehensive logistics services and global service network are capable to satisfy our customers’ needs in the supply chain.
- Transpacific trade traffic is one of our strength; we keep our ranking in the market’s top 10 in terms of volume handling in this trade lane for years.
- We also well-developed Latin America, Europe, Australia, Middle-East,and Southeast Asia markets, the wide range of our service network is helping our customers to grow their business worldwide.
电话:+84 28 62996299
传真:+84 28 62660988
公司地址: 12th Floor, REE Tower,9 Doan Van Bo Street, Ward 13, District 4, HCMC, Vietnam